Monday, March 8, 2010

child parent yoga with kate and stef

Saturday was Child/Parent yoga at Desert Song and once again Kate and Stef joined in on the fun. The class was PACKED this time, they almost didn't let Kate & Stef in because there were so many people. It was a pretty entertaining class with there being to many kiddos. Espen & Stef were almost twins again in matching grey t-shirts and they were definitely the cutest little dudes in there. What? They were!

These two are SO hard to catch on camera

Espen in shavasana

Espen in a 'tunnel'

Kate.Stefan.Me.Espen enjoying snack time

After yoga we headed over to Chipotle for lunch. Once again the boys were so good together and so cute. Stefan and Espen traded an Etch-a-Sketch for some airplanes and trucks, they were happy campers.



Once our belly's were full and the boys started to become antsy we headed over to McDonald's so they could let off some steam...and that they did.




This may look like a sweet picture of the boys playing together like best buds, but in fact, it was the complete opposite. Shortly after this picture was taken a small tear fest ensued and it was time to leave. All good things must come to an end...especially when dealing with 3 year olds, ice cream and video games.

I had such a great time with my lovely roomie and her son. I can't wait till next time!

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