We were getting restless so we took a drive over to Chipotle for dinner. We ate outside since the weather was SO nice.
I drive by Sprinkles twice a day and always tell myself that I need to stop in there some time for a cupcake but never have. When we pulled up to Chipotle we passed Sprinkles on the right and Yogurtland on the left. Espen immediately suggested Yogurtland but I had my heart set on a cupcake. We went in, took a look at the cupcakes that were available and I was pretty let down. Vanilla, Chocolate and Black & White was all they had left. We are making cake balls this weekend and we have a birthday party on Saturday so I asked Espen if he wanted cupcakes or ice cream, he screamed ICE CREAM, so I politely smiled at the Sprinkles girl, who was nice enough to give Espen a sticker even after he had voiced his preference for their competition across the driveway, and out the door we went.
In the end, he made the best decision. I love Yogurtland. Plain frozen yogurt, cheesecake bites, cap'n crunch, black berries, strawberries, kiwi, 3 gummy worms (two for Espen, one for me), yummers.
Hmmmm, what do I want, a spoonful of kiwi or a spoonful of cheesecake?
After dinner we had to work off the burritos and frozen yogurt with a bike ride to the park. There were tons of people out tonight along the greenbelt. It was pretty late so the park was empty so Espen got to dig and dig and dig all he wanted and I was able to get in some yoga and fake rope jumping. I was jumping and bouncing around like a maniac, I'm not sure what I was doing but my legs are killing me today.
We stayed at the park for about an hour and then headed home. Espen was so sleepy, he picked out the Last Unicorn to watch and before the crazy theme song was even over he was sound asleep.
I'm not sure what I was thinking but I decided to make some coffee for our walk. The next thing you know, it's 1am and I have literally talked Jeremy's ear off about all things Aksel Lund Svindal...and bless Jeremy's heart for letting me talk his ear off about my new boyfriend, he even helped me download pictures of him so I could have a new screen saver for my phone. My alarm clock is my cell phone, I told Jeremy that when I wake up now and see an Olympic gold medal winner on my phone I have no excuse when it comes to sleeping in. I call it WWAD. Yes? No? I was trying to get Espen to say his name but he said he couldn't speak Spanish. I tried to explain to him that Aksel is Norwegian, like Espen, so if he can say Espen he should have no problem with Aksel. I asked him if he could say Ox which he could, so I said, there you go, say Aksel. Ox fox was all he would say and he thought it was hilarious so I heard Ox Fox about a 2 dozen times. Ha!
Just in case you haven't a clue who I am talking about, this is Ox Fox.
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