Wednesday, February 3, 2010

time for bed

Well, maybe not bed time but it's at least time to slowly complete the decorating in the bedroom.

A couple of people and places come to mind when I think about how I'd eventually like our bedroom to look. Of course, I immediately think of Jonathan Adler. How can I ever get sick of his vintage inspired and humorously crafted pieces. His combination of old and new, mixing up century old details with modern design screams out perfection to me. I think I snapped about 100 photos of our room at the Parker in Palm Springs over the summer. From the crazy wallpapered bathroom with ornate gold Chinese Dragon faucets to the glass topped round table with what could easily be your Grandma's old tablecloth, I was in love.

I'm also inspired by rooms that have a cozy, worn in vintage feel to them. Case in point, this fabulous home in Ohio. I don't think there is a single thing in this home that didn't fall for while viewing their home tour photos. Talk about inspiring. I'd love to see exterior shots.

Okay, back to our bedroom. At the moment it reminds me of a room that college kids would live in. You know, it has kind of all right Ikea furnishings accented by band posters that ended up on the wall with not a whole lot of thought behind them. At least we got ourselves a proper bed and are no longer sleeping on a mattress on the floor. The rest of our tiny home looks super cute (although I would love to redo that as well, I get so bored) our bedroom is in dire need of some design tlc.

This is what I have or would like to have in our room. I think once we frame a couple of our pieces of art, hang some curtains & get the Headboard completed we should be on our way.


1. Plycraft Lounge Chair-At parents cabin, needs some serious fix-up work
2. New pulls, White Ceramic with Gold detail, to replace circular pulls on Ikea Egan dresser
3. Green curtains-Going back and forth on making my own and what shade of green to go with, time will tell.
4. Need rails to hang ourMarimekko-Fabric to be used as 5x4 wall hanging
5. Need to find a wall or shelf for my Charmaine Olivia-Deer Wearing Gym Socks print-hilarious
6. Need to hit up Aaron Bros. to use my gift card and frame up our Wayne Pate screen print- Rising of the Setting Sun-I love this piece!
7. Our Egan dresser, with new pulls
8. I need to use another gift card at Home Depot and hit up JoAnns for fabric so I can recreate the headboard from the Parker, or make one like Urban Outfitters sells.
9. Not our lamp, but we have a funny yellow floor lamp that I had a friend in L.A. pick up from TINI
and haul out for us around Christmas time-Thanks Matt & Katy!
10. Need to get gold ring pulls for our yucky Ikea dresser...although I may need to just completely rip off this fantastic DIY from Aubrey & Lindsey! How incredibly cute is that dresser!

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