It was a bit strange. Jeremy likened it to flat bread, it was a bit airy as opposed to puffy if that makes sense, but it was pretty good. I ate mine with Nutella and Jelly, Jeremy ate his with powdered sugar. I made Espen a weird version in a pan and he had his with Nutella and colored sprinkles.

We had quite a bit of batter left over and I just bought a new muffin tin so I thought I'd do a little experimenting with the leftovers. I filled each cup about halfway full, popped them in the oven and pulled them out as they were puffing up and over the pan.

The butter had somehow pooled to the top of each little puff and when that mixed with the powdered sugar I topped them with it turned into this sweet buttery quiche like treat that I will definitely make again.

By this time Jeremy and I had found some time to complete our Valentine's day cards.

Not sure how it happened but all 3 of us ended up making our Valentines out of construction paper. Espen made his with Jeremy's mom, Jeremy made his at our house and I made Jeremy's at the Children's Museum. Too funny. I stumbled across the 'sunshine' that Jeremy made on Friday night and thought it was something that my mom made while playing with Espen but nope, it was Jeremy's own creation, I was impressed. He may not have the best skills when it comes to drawing but he is definitely a master at construction paper art.
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day, no matter what day you celebrate it.
***on a side note-I just did a bit more research into the puff pancake, the pan I used was much too big, hence the weird airy/crispy outcome. Next time, I'll use a round skillet to bake it in. Maybe the little experiment I did was more like the real thing. Yummers!
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