Friday, February 5, 2010

food & yoga - secret ingredients for food & life

I was in a hurry to get to yoga last night so I ate leftover Lemon-Cheddar pasta for dinner, which unfortunately was not that great the next day. Jeremy and Espen on the other hand had Jeremy's super delish chicken fajitas.

For some reason every time Jeremy tries to make chicken it ends up really dry so he came up with a new way of preparing chicken which may not be new to all, but it's new to us and is so so yummy. It's so simple too.

Season some boneless skinless chicken breast and toss it in a pan with some oil, keep it on med-low pretty much the entire time your cooking and keep it covered. The seasonings that Jeremy uses are Cholula Chili Lime Seasoning, Spice Island Chipotle Chile, Garlic Powder, salt and pepper. Once the chicken is pretty much cooked through take it out of the pan and cut it up into chunks then toss it back in the pan.

Here comes Jeremy's secret ingredient. Take about a cup & a half of water, throw in half a chicken (or beef) bouillon cube and heat it up in the microwave. Once the bouillon is dissolved pour the liquid into the pan of cooking chicken. At this point you can leave the lid off and let the water evaporate. Stir the chicken around in the liquid, add some more seasoning to the broth if you feel like it, season to taste are words to live by. Once the water is pretty much evaporated from the pan you can add it to a tortilla, add some salsa, cheese or what ever you feel should or could go in a fajita. enjoy.

So that was Jeremy's secret ingredient, now lets move onto mine. This ingredient has been lost in the spice rack for quite a few months but I found it and am ready to add it to the mix that is my life. Wow, what a metaphor. Ha.

Last September one of my best friends invited me to an all levels yoga class at Desert Song in Phoenix. I had been to some classes a few years before but really did not enjoy them, I was entirely too antsy, the chanting freaked me out and I just felt out of place.
For the few months leading up to my reunion with yoga I had been running 3 miles a day, going to the gym, lifting weights-the whole shabang. Nothing was happening. My weight and measurements stayed the same which was beginning to test my patience not to mention I was just plain tired. At the suggestion of my friend I decided to give yoga another try. This time, I felt right at home. I was approaching my 30's, maybe it had to do with age. I was working in a stressful job & had a 2 year old now, maybe I enjoyed the 'me' time and quiet relaxation. Whatever it was, I was hooked. My practice meant more to me than I ever thought it could. I was stronger, I felt more at peace with the day. It was incredible. Things came to a halt when I started working for a new company, and my hours increased from 8-5 to more like 7-7. I had to choose, Yoga or family, I of course chose family.
Work is finally slowing down a bit and since I am home at a decent hour I can start to squeeze in yoga again. Last night I went to my first class in months, it was wonderful. The class was a bit basic for what I like, but I was just happy to be there. I got home, and felt balanced again and can't wait to make yoga a part of my life once more.

If you live in the Phoenix Metro area check out Desert Song Yoga at 7th Street & Camelback. The instructors are well trained & patient. Look into their Intro to Yoga classes where they focus on primary postures, alignment, breathing and philosophy. The 3 week course costs $75 and is sometimes offered for $65. For regular classes, if you buy a package you receive a bit of a discount, if not, drop-ins are $17 but only $12 if its your first class.

If you are a bit more familiar with yoga and want to save a little money, try taking a class at Club SAR in Scottsdale. If you are a Scottsdale resident you can get a year membership to this city run gym for only $75, $105 if you live outside of Scottsdale. Or, if you want, you can pay a fee of $3 per day to use any of the gyms amenities, including any classes.
They have yoga classes 6 days a week. The classes vary throughout the week, but you can always take it a bit slower or push yourself a little further it you feel up to it.

Then there's Hot Yoga. A series of postures and breathing done in a room that is heated between 95-100 degrees. I've only made it to two classes but my same friend who reintroduced me to yoga has been taking classes at Studio Yoga in Tempe for a few months now. Not only does she look and feel incredible she has now taken her experience and is sharing it with others including 50 of her students at a Phoenix valley high school. Once a week she takes 90 minutes out of her free time to teach yoga to students that would otherwise never taken an interest in it.

My friend has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try something new, which in turn changed my life for the better, I hope to do the same for others, even if it's just one person. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it up like I did last year.

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