Thursday, January 6, 2011

1 year

A few days ago, my llama friend Kitten brought up making photo books online and it got me thinking. I made a Blurb book for Espen a couple of years ago and I love love love it! I just pulled pictures from early August 2006 through Espen's first birthday to document his first year of life in pictures and I think it turned out wonderfully. A few months back I started a new book, this time for the 600 square foot home. The program I was using was not very user friendly and I made the mistake of importing the entire blog which was completely overwhelming and I quickly became put off by the idea of making this blog into a book. So, yesterday, every time I had some down time I would hop on Blurb Books and work on a new book, this time I decided to break the blog down to volumes of 2 month's worth of posts. The result, well, I won't know for another week once it arrives but it looks pretty cute on my computer.

It wasn't until late last night when I was giving the book one final review, that I realized that it's been 1 year since I  started regularly blogging. So, happy blogging anniversary to me. It's been so much fun for me and to my friends and family, I hope it's been fun for you too.


1 comment:

jenny block said...

dude, we are on the same new year resolution was to stay on top of my photos this year, including backing up and printing. i just uploaded the newest blurb booksmart software this morning. i too started the blog to book from blurb, a while back, and was totally overwhelmed. can't wait to see how it turns out.