Thursday, April 1, 2010

cream cheese ice cream

I'm not sure what reminded Espen about the Ice Cream machine that we gave to my Mom for Christmas but something did and he would not stop talking about it. He called my mom and asked her to bring it down so we could borrow it.

Last night we stopped off at the store for the ingredients and as we were in line I realized I forgot sugar...who forgets a main ingredient of a 3 ingredient recipe? Me, I guess. We had just run out of sugar that morning so I knew we couldn't leave without it. After another weird trip to Fry's (I swear I'm never going there AGAIN) we made it home and got to work on the ice cream.

The recipe I used was already modified from another recipe and I even ended up tweaking it even more. Not for the taste so much but because I don't own a mixer and couldn't for the life of me get the cream cheese to mix with the milk and sugar. I ended up straining the cream cheese out and adding a lot more milk. Espen tossed some fresh blueberries and chunks of strawberry in and we also added a bit of lemon extract, in the end, it was freakin' delish and ice cream is SO easy to make.



A trip to the store wouldn't be complete without a cube of Geitost. Espen was excited to show off his cutting skills. He pushed my sharp knife away and grabbed a 'big boy knife', you know, a butter knife and sliced away.

{this face is quickly becoming the norm when I say 'smile!'}

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