Saturday, January 16, 2010

espen's new bed


Recently Espen has been in to falling asleep on the couch at bed time. I remember falling asleep in the living room when I was little, it was the strangest feeling. I felt special because it was as if I was staying up 'past my bedtime' and there's nothing like being little and sleepy and having your parents pick you up and tuck you into bed.

This night in particular he desperately wanted to make his bed on the living room floor on my yoga mat. He brought out a blanket, pillow and what bed wouldn't be complete without his favorite buddies, black bear & white bear. He was so excited and proud of his little bed and I felt awful because he did this on a night when Jeremy and I decided to watch Black Hawk Down, um, not kid friendly by any means.
I told him he could sleep on the yoga bed tomorrow night while we watch one of his movies, picked him up and tucked him into bed.

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